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Our goal is to help you identify your next step to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ who will love God, love others and serve the world. Our church has many different opportunities for small groups and bible studies for adults throughout the week. 

Sunday School Opportunities

Sacred Journey/Parlor (across from the chapel)/10:00 A.M.

Open to all ages and taught by David Michie and Keith Whitworth. The approach to Scripture is to utilize reason, experience, and tradition to understand the historical context as well as today’s application of God’s Word to our lives. The Sacred Journey class offers opportunities for fellowship and ministry to help us be God’s hands and feet in our church and community.

Genesis/Room 120/10:00 A.M.

For adults with school-age children, looking to connect with other parents. Class format  varies, with study topics relevant to current events and class interests.

New Beginnings/Room 106/9:45 A.M.

For adults of all ages (typically “empty nesters”), the class focuses on the bible and has a rotation of teachers.

Wesley/Room 102, 10:00 A.M.

For adults aged 60+, the Wesley class studies the bible “line by line and book by book.”

Foundation/Youth Building/10:00 A.M.

For adults of all ages, this class (formerly known as Cornerstone) is in the process of discerning their focus, while being led by former pastors and other volunteers each week. Opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth abound!


This is a weekly bible study offered at different times throughout the year. Reach out to Pastor Melissa to know the latest. 


*Meeting place varies*

The Wesleyan Wanderers gather to experience and get in touch with God and our community through a common interest and love for being in nature. The group hikes together a couple of times a month at various state parks. Led by Andrea Perez.  
Proverbs 4:26 ASV 


Methodist Men gather at 7:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month in the Family Life Center (gym) for a time of good food, fellowship, learning from a guest speaker, and to organize for any mission or service opportunities that have arisen in the church or community. 


For more information contact

SENIOR ADULTS ("PrimeTimers") 

Our senior adults meet the second Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. in the Youth Building, with lunch at 11:30 a.m. During this time, we enjoy food, games, occasional speakers and wonderful fellowship. First United Methodist Church of Cleburne senior members and friends are invited to join in the fun. Throughout the year we also enjoy a number of special events such as trips to museums, musicals, etc.


The Women's Coffee Group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. in the church "parlor" to discuss books chosen to help us grow in our faith as we share our life experiences. The group also supports our congregation and community through service projects.


Groups meet on their own schedule, often in members' homes. These groups "go deep," as they commit to grow in their faith and practice accountability. To get plugged into an existing group or start your own Life Group contact Pastor Melissa


Providing loving and compassionate care for the sick was as much a part of the mission of the early church as proclaiming the gospel.  In the light of that tradition, First United Methodist Church in

Cleburne has signed a covenant with Texas Health Resources to provide Faith Community Nursing in this community.


Faith Community Nurses help people of all ages understand their health conditions and medications, navigate the health system, and follow their treatment protocols. They help promote wellness, early detection and intervention, and rehabilitation.  However, they do not perform invasive procedures, prescribe or supply medications, nor provide professional counseling.


"Faith Community Nursing is a unique specialized practice of professional nursing which focuses on the promotion of health within the context of the values, beliefs, and practices of a faith community.” *American Nurses Association, Scopes and Standards of Faith



8:30 AM                  Traditional                       Chapel

9:00 AM                   Modern                              Sanctuary

11:00 AM                Traditional                     Sanctuary


6:00 PM               Dinner                        Gym

6:30 PM                  Discipleship Opportunities    Various

*during school year

1300 W. Westhill Dr.
Cleburne, Texas 76033  (Physical Address)

PO Box 114 

Cleburne, TX 76033        (Mailing Address) 



First United Methodist Church of Cleburne is a congregation affiliated with the world wide body of churches known as the United Methodist Church. With sisters and brothers around the world we are united in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.



PO Box 114

Cleburne, Texas 76033

(Mailing Address)

1300 W. Westhill Dr. 
Cleburne, Texas 76033

(Physical Address)

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